Get Connected!

At FCC we believe that everyone needs a family to encourage one another and grow together! We have lots of different places that you can get plugged into and find friends that will walk with you as we seek to pursue Jesus in all that we do!


Men’s Ministry

OnPoint is our group that provides men with the opportunity to develop Godly character and equip them to influence the world for Jesus Christ. They meet together for men’s specific Bible studies every Sunday morning at 8:00 am. Throughout the year they organize service projects to reach out into our community. Click below to get more information about how to plug in with the great guys!


Women’s Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry is a great place for women of all ages and all stages of life to connect and find friends! With different study groups, service groups like our cookies and cards ministries, there is something for everyone to get involved with! There’s also lots of great opportunities for fellowship throughout the year, click below so you don’t miss out on any of them!

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Adult Bible Fellowships

Adult Bible Fellowship, or ABF as we like to call them, are what was once called “Adult Sunday school”. ABF classes are blend of Bible based teaching and topical studies with a strong element of mutual sharing and nurturing, along the lines of a small group. We have lots of groups that meet at different times and at all stages of life, click below to get connected with a group!